Otrdien, 29. oktobrī, plkst. 19.00 Rīgas Reformātu baznīcā

Ansamblis AIRBORNE EXTENDED radies 2013. gadā kā Ensemble Airborne paplašinājums. Tā nosaukums ietver norādi uz lidojumu un visai precīzi reprezentē grupas smalko, netveramo, gaistošo būtību. Ansambļa instrumentu arsenālā ir arfa, klavesīns, desmit blokflautas un četras flautas, kuru smalkais salikums rada ēterisku skaņas kvalitāti. Tas ir lielisks sākumpunkts jūtīgai un niansētai jaunu tonālo kombināciju meklēšanai – prom no tradicionālā priekšstata par šo instrumentu piederību senajai mūzikai, apliecinot, ka tie lieliski iederas arī laikmetīgās mūzikas interpretēšanā.

Airborne Extended repertuārā pārsvarā ir speciāli ansamblim rakstīti darbi, tostarp Bernharda Langa (Bernhard Lang), Aleksandera Kaizera (Alexander Kaiser) un Volfganga Miterera (Wolfgang Mitterer) kompozīcijas. Tāpat starp ansamblim nozīmīgiem komponistiem jāmin Lučāno Berio (Luciano Berio), Janis Ksenakis (Iannis Xenakis) un virkne jaunākās paaudzes autoru no daudzām pasaules valstīm: austrieši Elizabete Harnika (Elisabeth Harnik), Elizabete Šimana (Elisabeth Schimana), Volfgangs Miterers (Wolfgang Mitterer) un Matiass Krānebiters (Matthias Kranebitter), itāļi Manuela Kerere (Manuela Kerer), Salvatore Šiarīno (Salvatore Sciarrino) un Paolo Rimoldi, beļģiete Karolīne Profantere (Caroline Profanter), dānis Nikolajs Vorsū (Niolai Worsaae), poliete Joanna Vozni (Joanna Wozny), horvātiete Margareta Fereka-Petriča (Margareta Ferek-Petric), slovēnis Urošs Rojko (Uros Rojko), rumāniete Doina Rotaru, polis Tomašs Skvers (Tomasz Skweres), grieķi Dimitrijs Papgiorgiu (Dimitri Papgeorgiou) un Joannis Papadopoulos, turks Mehmets Ali Uzunselvi (Mehmet Ali Uzunselvi), brazīlietis Fernando Rīderers (Fernando Riederer), meksikānis Arturo Fuentes un daudzi citi.

Airborne Extended plašo regulāro starptautisko sadarbību apliecina arī koncerta repertuārs, ko dzirdēsim Rīgā. Tajā ietverti itāļu, īru, turku un čīliešu mūsdienu komponistu skaņdarbi - Aleksandera Kaizera (Alexander Kaiser), Hannesa Keršbaumera (Hannes Kerschbaumer), Annas Klēres (Ann Cleare), Robertas Laco Valencuelas (Roberta Lazo Valenzuela) un Mehmeta Ali Uzunselvi (Mehmet Ali Uzunselvi) kompozīcijas -, kā arī latviešu skaņraža Oskara Herliņa jaundarba pasaules pirmatskaņojums.

Rīgā AIRBORNE EXTENDED sastāvā uzstāsies četras izcilas kamermūziķes.

Flautiste Elena GABRIELLI (Elena Gabbrielli) Venēcijā un Grācā studējusi mūziku un filozofiju. Regulāri uzstājas dažādu kameransambļu sastāvos Austrijā un Itālijā, sadarbojusies ar Klangforum WienEnsemble ZeitflussPlatypus EnsembleThe Black Page OrchestraNeofoniaEnsemble L’ArsenaleMDI Ensemble un RepertorioZero. Nozīmīgu sadarbību vidū jāmin kopdarbs ar tādiem diriģentiem kā Emilio Pomariko (Emilio Pomarico), Marko Andžus (Marco Angius), Klements Pauers (Clement Power), Rolands Klutigs (Roland Kluttig), Mario Vencago (Mario Venzago).
Klavesīniste Sonja LEIPOLDE (Sonja Leipold) studējusi Zalcburgas un Vīnes mūzikas augstskolās, kur mācījusies arī klavieru un flautas spēli. Regulāri uzstājas solistes ampluā un piedalās festivālos Eiropā un Āzijā, ir vairāku starptautisku mūzikas balvu ieguvēja. Savā radošajā darbībā īpašu uzmanību velta baroka un laikmetīgajai mūzikai, dibinājusi ansambli “Les roses sauvages”, kas īpaši pievērsies 17. un 18. gs. komponistu – sieviešu darbu atskaņošanai.
Flautiste Karolīne MAIRHOFERE (Caroline Mayrhofer) mācījusies Lincā un Vīnē, ieguvusi maģistra grādu un stipendiju studijām ASV un Nīderlandē, šobrīd ar mūzikas augstskolām saistīta kā pedagoģe. Ir dažādu konkursu laureāte, regulāri koncertē Eiropas valstīs, Amerikā un Āzijā.
Arfiste Jūlija RETA (Julia Reth) studējusi Minhenes un Vīnes mūzikas augstskolās, ir starptautisku instrumentālistu konkursu laureāte, savu profesionālo karjeru attīstījusi orķestros Austrijā un Norvēģijā, kā solomāksliniece koncertējusi Eiropā, Japānā, Ķīnā un Dienvidkorejā.
October 29 19:00 Riga Reformation Church
The world premieres of a new composition by Oskars Herliņš,
as well as works by Alexander Kaiser, Hannes Kerschbaumer, Ann Cleare, Roberta Lazo Valenzuela and Mehmet Ali Uzunselvi
performed by AIRBORNE EXTENDED: Elena Gabbrielli (flutes), Sonja Leipold (harpsichord, keyboard), Caroline Mayrhofer (recorders, Paetzold) and Julia Reth (harp)
Airborne Extended seems to be a suitable name for the ensemble given that their instruments have an inherent etherical sound quality about them. They range from harp and harpsichord to a selection of ten recorders and four flutes. Being part of the Austrian NASOM-program 2018/19 airborne extended is presenting worldwide new works written for the Ensemble. The repertoire is constantly growing, so far there are works by Hannes Kerschbaumer, Bernhard Lang,  Joanna Wozny, Margareta Ferek-Petric, Dimitri Papgeorgiou, Elisabeth Harnik, Alexander Kaiser, Manuela Kerer, Wolfgang Mitterer, Caroline Profanter, Fernando Riederer, Doina Rotaru, Tomasz Skweres, Salvatore Sciarrino, Luciano Berio, Paolo Rimoldi, Matthias Kranebitter, Iannis Xenakis, Elisabeth Schimana, Mehmet Ali Uzunselvi, Manuel Zwerger, Uros Rojko, Arturo Fuentes, Niolai Worsaae, Ioannis Papadopoulos, Juan Pablo Tard Hasbun, Violeta Dinescu, Mirela Ivcevic, Peter Jakober, Stefano Gervasoni, Gabriele Manca, Mario Pisati, Giorgio Magnanensi and many more…
Elena Gabbrielli (flutes) completed her musical and philosophical studies in Venice, studying flute at the Conservatory of Music “Benedetto Marcello” and at the University “Ca´Foscari”. Other notable teachers have been Pier Narciso Masi, Patrick Gallois and Chiara Tonelli. She has also completed the Master of Practice Performance in Contemporary Music at the Musikuni Graz (A), under the guidance of Klangforum Wien. Elena plays regularly between Austria and Italy in various chamber projects and contemporary music ensembles in collaboration with Klangforum Wien, Ensemble Zeitfluss, Platypus Ensemble, The Black Page Orchestra, Neofonia, Ensemble L’Arsenale, mdi ensemble and RepertorioZero. She has already performed at numerous music festivals such as Biennale Musica Venezia, Ravenna Festival, Nuove Musiche Palermo, Festival dei due Mondi Spoleto, Festival L´Arsenale Treviso, Bologna Festival, Ferienkurse Darmstadt, Impuls Graz, steirischer Herbst Graz, Spring Music Festival Shanghai, Sonemus Festival Sarajevo, GAIDA Festival Vilnius, Dialoge Festival Salzburg, Archipel Festival Genève. She has performed with conductors Emilio Pomarico, Marco Angius, Clement Power, Roland Kluttig, Mario Venzago and she had the opportunity to work with important living composers such as George Friedrich Haas, Tristan Murail, Philippe Leroux, Mathias Spahlinger, Beat Furrer. Her performances has been broadcasted by RAI-Radio3 and ORF. 

Sonja Leipold (harpsichord/keyboard), born in Villach, studied flute & piano at the Mozarteum Salzburg, and harpsichord & basso continuo at the University of Music Vienna. Focusing on early and contemporary music, she regularly performs as a soloist, basso continuo-player and with her own ensembles at renowned concert festivals all over Europe and Asia. She was awarded by the Austrian ministry of culture (for her programme “perspectives of the harpsichord”), was prize-winner at the international harpsichord competitions Bologna 2011, Fidelio 2012, Annelie de Man 2012 (den Bosch/contemporary harpsichord). In 2013 she was awarded a fellowship both for her research in baroque music and for her contribution to contemporary harpsichord repertoire and founded the ensemble „les roses sauvages“, which performs music by female composers of the 17th and 18th century. Sonja Leipold works as an accompanist and chamber music teacher at ITAM Linz (with Emma Kirkby), Austra Baroque Academy, ISA Vienna, and Theater an der Wien, participated in film- and CD-productions and also appears with orchestras and Ensembles like dolce risonanza, capella Leopoldina, Vienna Symphony Orchestra, Wiener Kammerorchester. In 2017 Sonja Leipold is also member of the executive committee of ISCM Austria and since 2015 she teaches at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna.
Caroline Mayrhofer (recorders/Paetzold), born in Innsbruck, studied recorder at the Bruckner-Konservatorium Linz and at the Musikuniversität Wien. She graduated as a Master of Arts with distinction and was awarded scholarships at the Amherst-Early-Music-Festival/USA and the Stichting Musici van Morgen/NL. At a post-graduate at the Conservatorium Amsterdam she got a diploma cum laude. She has been teaching at the conservatorio di Bolzano. Caroline was repeatedly pricewinner at the competition „Jugend musiziert“, 2012 she was price-winner at the international competition for contemporary recorder-music in Darmstadt. As a soloist and in Ensembles she performs regularly throughout Europe, America, Asia. She is part of many CD- and Radioproductions (RecRec, EMI digital, RAI, ORF, radio espace 2, KAIROS).

Julia Reth (harp) studied harp with Ursula Lentrodt in Munic and with Adelheid Blovsky-Miller at the Musikuniversität Wien. 1994 she was price-winner of the International harp-competition of the foundation Franz-Joseph Reinl. Julia played in the Orchestra of the Norwegian Opera, was a member of the Orchester der Vereinigten Bühnen Wien and played in the Vienna Opera Orchestra. She collaborated with the Vienna Philharmonic and Symphonic Orchestras, with the Radio Symphonic Orchestra Wien, the Orchestra of Volksopera Wien and Klangforum Wien. She is a member of the Orchestra of Wiener Kammeroper and "Neue Oper Wien". As soloist and chamber musician she performed throughout Europe, Japan, China and South-Corea.